Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Our newest friend in Columbia!

So a few weeks ago (like 6 or so) we had a little girl knock on our door selling cookie dough for school.  It was kind of expensive, but Dustin figured it was for a good cause so we bought some and paid her for the cookies.  We were the first person she had sold too and she wasn't quite sure what she was doing.  Dustin asked her how we got the cookie dough and she didn't act quite sure.  But as she left the house she took a long look and stated "I can remember this house."  Well after six weeks we were pretty skeptical about getting our cookie dough.  In fact just yesterday we went for a walk and Dustin and I were chuckling about not seeing that little girl again.  We weren't angry, but just figured she couldn't remember who we were or where we lived.  Well not an hour after we got home from our walk the door bell rang.  Lo and behold it was that little girl holding our cookie dough!  Dustin about busted out laughing at the coincidence of talking about never seeing the cookie dough and it showing up on our door step an hour later.  To make things even better, our new friend wrote us a message on the box. I hope you can read it! This is what we got out of it:   

Dear Customer: I'm sorry the cookie dough is so late. I just got it today. You probably thought I was a criminal, but I'm actually a really nice person. So sorry. Your new friend, Aliyah

How cute is that message!  It made us smile and laugh!  And now we can't wait to try out chocolate, caramel, pecan cookie dough!  So thanks Aliyah for remembering where we live and being our newest friend in Columbia.  You can come and sell us cookie dough anytime!!

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